Culture/Scenic Spots

Jasan Park
AddressJonghwadong Yeosu-Si Jeollanam-do
RecommendRecommend 1 Good

Detailed Description

Jasan Park has great view of Yeosu harbor and Odongdo Island. There were antiaircraft artilleries in the park during the Japanese colonial period. There are also historic memorials like a statue of the Admiral Yi Sunsin, war veteran cenotaph, and a monument for the war dead. From the observatory of the Yeosu Vessel Traffic Services Center, you can see the whole view of the Yeosu harbor.

Information Use

Attractions Service Information
Opening Days/Closing Days Open all year round(opening hours : 00~00 ) / , 연중무휴()
Admission Free
Parking Parking : Free. / Car : 36 cars /
Strollers Rental impossibility
Facilities For The Handicapped None
Foreign Language Guides impossibility

Facilities / Adjoining Facilities

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