Yeosu Industrial Complex has contributed to the development of national economy through continuos industrial development and played a pivotal role as a growth basis of national and local economy.

Scale of Complex

여수국가산업단지의 규모에 관한 안내표로 구분, 조성기간, 총면적, 산업시설, 지원시설, 공공시설, 녹지 항목으로 구성된 표
Classification Construction Period Total Size Industrial Facilities Support Facilities Public Facilities Green Space
Existing Industrial Complexes '67. 2 ~ '98. 12 23,642 17,005 1,412 2,979 3,001
Expanded Industrial Complexes
(Under construction)
'92. 3 ~ '13.12 7,986 5,814 208 952 257
Total   31,628 22,819 1,620 3,931 3,258
Number of businesses (as of 2020)
294 companies (Building A: 264)
Production and Exportation
생산 및 수출 안내표로 구분, 2015년 실적, 2016년 실적, 2017년 실적, 2018년 실적, 2019년, 2020년 실적 항목으로 구성된 표
Classification Performance in 2015 Performance in 2016 Performance in 2017 Performance in 2018 Performance in 2019 Performance in 2020
Amount of
69 trillion 38.90
66 trillion 17.39
79 trillion 95.84
83 trillion 65.81
60 trillion 85.82
48 trillion 8.59
Amount of
$3.01 billion 42
$2.86 billion 13
$3.27 billion 13
$3.10 billion 80
$2.25 billion 70
$1.76 billion
Employment Status
24,390 people (As of December 2020)
Major Business Types
  • Oil Refining
    800 thousand B/day (24% of domestic process capacity 3.28 million B/day) Representative company: GS Caltex Corporation
  • Petrochemistry
    Ethylene 4.36 million tons/year (46% of total domestic production capacity 9.49 million tons/year) Representative companies: LG Chemicals, LOTTE Chemicals, Yeocheon NCC
  • Fertilizer
    480 thousand tons/year (49% of total domestic production capacity 980 thousand tons/year) Representative company: NAMHAE Chemical Corp

Gwangyang Bay Zone Development Plan

광양만권 북동쪽으론 하동지구(선박관련) 12,360천㎡가 있으며 하동지구의 하단에 광양제철소가 있습니다. 북서쪽엔 신덕지구(주거,교육) 25,040천㎡가 있으며 신덕지구 우측으로 광양지구(제철관련, 비철금속, 동북아 거점형성) 228,150천㎡과 광양항이 있습니다. 광양만권의 중심엔 광양만과 묘도가 있으며 남서쪽엔 율촌지구(기반산업관련 공장유치) 228,150천㎡과 화양지구(관광, 레저)가 있으며 율촌지구의 좌측상단부터 율촌1산단(9,157천㎡), 율촌3산단(4,958천㎡), 율촌2산단(9,553천㎡)가 있습니다. 광양만권의 남쪽엔 여수국가산단과 여수광양지사가 위치하고 있습니다.