국제우호도시위치를 나타내는 세계지도로 왼쪽부터 중국 양저우시, 샤오싱시, 리수이시,  러시아 바니노시한국 여수시가 위치해 있고 여수시를 기준으로 오른쪽으로  캐나다 몽턴시, 미국 뉴포트비치시,스워드시, 벨리즈 벨리즈시, 위치해있습니다. 자세한 내용은 아래의 표를 참조
국제자매도시 정보를 제공하며 국가,도시,인구(천명),면적(㎢),결연일자,특성 항목으로 구성된 표
Country City Population
Sisterhood Date Features
China Yangzhou 4,590 6.634 1995. 2.18 Central city of history and Culture
Complex base for export products
China Shaoxing 4,360 8.279 1997. 5.21 Cradle of Chinese culture,
Famous place of culture
USA Seward 2 55.8 1996.10.23 Trade seaport of Alaska
Exportation of coal to Yeosu Thermal Power Plant
USA Newport Beach 86 137.2 1997. 5.19 Representative rich village of the State of California
Beautiful seashore of pacific coastline
Belize Belize 70 35.66 2002.10.14 Former capital of Belize
Center of agriculture, lumbering and fishery
Russia Vanino 39 25.7 2004.06.30 Export seaport of far east Russia
Fishery, forest industry of lumber and coal
China Lishui 2,639 17.298 2005. 7.21 Naturally gifted resources
(Forest, hydro power resources, mine)
Excellent ecological environment
Canada Moncton 69 142 2007.12. 6 Central city of transportation & logistics
40% use bilingual languages (English, French)
Selected as the best city for business