Yeosu City Signs Investment Agreement for ‘Green Jacket’, a Film to be Co-Produced by Korea and China
- Date
- 2016.04.28 14:47
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Yeosu City signed an investment agreement for producing Green Jacket, a Korea-China joint production film, on April 22 at the city mayor’s office. The agreement was signed for Regional Economy Activation by attracting Chinese tourists to the city through producing a film by joint production between Korea and China that chooses the city as its major shooting location.
Green Jacket, a film planned in a partnership with Rebo Film of China by Will Entertainment (CEO Sohn Ji-hyeon), which produced The Attorney in 2013, is a sports film that describes the father-son bonding and family love pivoting on golf.
The movie will have Simon Yam, the famous Chinese actor who is now familiar to Korean audience with his performance in The Thieves. The movie, which will spend a budget of 9 billion won and shoot 95% of its filming in such locations in the city including Gyeongdo and the night time sea view of the city, will complete its production by August.
Notably, Green Jacket will be played at 1,500 or so theaters across China, as it is going to be released through the Beijing-based Tianjin Media Group which owns 5,000 theaters in China.
Mayor of Yeosu, Ju Cheol-hyeon said, “We thank you for your decision to shoot most of the film in Yeosu, and hope that your shooting will put a spotlight on Gyeongdo Golf Course, the main venue, as well as Yeosu’s night time sea view and other hot spots in the city.” He added, ”Your movie will bring not only domestic but also China-wide publicity to the various attractions and destinations in the city.“