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Gyodong Market
Address17, Gyodongsijang 1-gil, Yeosu-si
RecommendRecommend 0 Good

Detailed Description

Gyodong Market is a permanent traditional market with the land area of 4,540㎡ and the store area of 3,800㎡ installed with an arcade. From morning to 1 o'clock afternoon, vendors for fishery products run their businesses. In the evening, people run cart bars. Main Sales Items: Fishery products of sashimi and dried fish, and other vegetables, fruits and herbs

Information Use

Attractions Service Information
Opening Days/Closing Days / 기타(화요일)
Admission Free
Parking None.
Strollers Rental impossibility
Facilities For The Handicapped None
Foreign Language Guides impossibility

Facilities / Adjoining Facilities

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